Johnny's Questions 50+50 Duet 06.2012

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view post Posted on 15/5/2012, 21:02

-Favorite food
M: Gyoza~ ♥

-Hated food
M: Nothing in particular. I can eat everything.

-Favorite drink
M: Water. It's so good~

-Your breakfast today
M: Water and 8 milk pastries.

-Favorite sport
M: Swim. I'm good at crawl.

-Classes you took
M: Swim, soccer, piano, penmanship, tutoring school, English class too, does it count?

Favourite color
M: Yellow! Yellow! Yellow!

-Favorite number
M: "23"? I don't know why but I like it (lol)

-Favorite smell
M: Spicy ones like ginger.

-Favorite type of girl
M: Innocent girls ♥

-First kiss
M: It's a secret. You know, I'm an idol!

-Words for a confession
M: "I love you~ ♥" (=Suki~)

-At what age would you like to marry?
M: The earliest would be at 32.

-Average hours of sleep
M: 7 hours.

-First part you wash having a bath
M: Left arm.

-A title you'd like to gain
M: Driving licence for big motorbikes. I'd love to ride a big bike and cross the States.

-What would you do if you win 300 millions yen?
M: Give it to my parents. I earn my own money.

-What would you bring in a desert island?
M: Barbecue set. I might use it there, right?

-What would you do if you had a time machine?
M: I wanna go back when dinosaurs and mammoth were alive.

-Favorite fashion
M: Set up. I like to put together similar fabrics.

-What if you became a woman for a day?
M: I'd go shopping in Harajuku.

-Latest necessary item
M: I always bring it with me...lip balm.

-Your latest day-off
M: Since the weather is warmer I cleaned my room.

-Something that made you happy lately
M: A fan called me in the street and told me "I support you!". I was so happy~

-Something that made you angry lately
M: ...Nothing. Lately I'm never annoyed!

-Something you got lately
M: Short pants.

-Who is a hero for you?
M: Anpanman.

-What animal would you be?
M: A monkey. In the animal divination I'm a monkey.

-An animal you'd like to have?
M: A female miniature dachshund. I would cuddle her everyday!

-Your favorite thing ever
M: I'm always in love with fashion.

-A place in Japan you want to visit
M: Hokkaido and Miyakojima in Okinawa.

-A place abroad you want to visit
M: Spain. People I know told me that "It's a place a man has to go at least once!".

-Your best friends in JE
M: KAT-TUN Nakamaru.

-One of your habit
M: I crack my joints.

-Indoor or outdoor?
M: Fifty-fifty. When I'm home I wanna go out, when I'm out I wanna go back home (lol)

-Bread or rice?
M: Bread in the morning, rice in the night.

-Udon or ramen?
M: Both. I love udon so much that I went to Kagawa to eat them but I also love Tonkotsu ramen so much...

-Bed or futon?
M: Bed. I still sleep in the bed that my grandma bought for me when I was little.

-Clothes to sleep?
M: T-shirt, huge trainers in sweat fabric and full-lenght pants.

-Favorite song from Johnny's
M: NEWS "Futari/130000000 no kiseki"

-Your best song at karaoke
M: Hata Motohiro's "Uroko". I love Hata's voice.

-Favorite movie
M: "Despicable Me"

-Favorite book
M: It's "Duet" ♥

M: Massu

-Your weak spot
M: I'm weak to good food...

-Your strong spot
M: During concerts I can wave my arms with all my energies!

-A senpai you use as aim
M: Katori Shingo. More than as senpai I respect him a lot as a man.

-Your charming point
M: I don't know~ Can you tell me?

-Tell us a secret about your body!
M: My skin became pretty after the end of puberty.

-Tell us your actual wish
M: In the future I'd like to open a cafè.

credits to spilledmilk@lj
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